Taxi Licences
Taxi hire companies provide a much sought-after service here in the UK.
The market currently has over a quarter of a million vehicles in operation carrying all manner of passengers from vulnerable school children to Government delegates. It is vital that there is a robust licencing system in place to check that operators adhere to the rules and regulations
The licencing system has two key purposes:-
- Safety for drivers and passengers
- Fair competition in the local market
So there are strict criteria that must be met in order for a person to operate and/or drive a taxi which includes registration of the operator/driver and vehicle. Operators and drivers can be charged with serious offences in relation to the operation of their taxi as well as having their taxi licence revoked.
You will need an operators license to enable you to accept bookings for private hire vehicles.
If you wish to work outside of London then you will have to apply to your local council
If you are working under an existing operator then you will still have to register for a private hire licence.
If you work inside London then you will need to apply to Transport for London
You will have to provide the following documents:
The local authority’s application form
If you are an individual evidence of the “right to work in the UK”
Right to Work – Check ListTwo written references
Tax declaration confirming you have read the HMRC guidance regarding your obligations to register for tax payable earning from your licensed trade
The local Authority may wish to interview you.
Each application is granted on merit on two grounds
- Public interest and safety
- Application passes the fit and proper person test
Be able to work legal in the UK
Have held a full GB/NI/EU driving licence for at least 12 months
You must then satisfy the authority that you are a fit and proper person so your background and character will be checked. The authority may carry out a disbarring and disclosure check (DBS)
You may also need to undertake a
- Medical examination
- Knowledge test
- Driving test
- Medical examination
The vehicle itself must also satisfy other criteria in relation to its condition and functionality. Again differs between local authorities
Convictions which are not spent are more likely to prevent your application being successful. Spent convictions will depend on the nature and seriousness of the conviction. So for example Cheshire East have a policy that for minor offences of up to more than 6 points in total the authority will need to consider whether fit and proper so a hearing would take place.
However, for a major traffic offence within a 2 year period of the application then they should consider refusal until a three year period has elapsed. Most authorities will be similar in their application of the policy in relation to previous convictions.
They will be using this to demonstrate that you have not satisfied them that you are a fit and proper person. The criteria for that can be found on the local authority website.
It is for you to then show that you are a fit and proper person.
The committee hearing the application are made up from local Councillors.
You are entitled to be represented at this hearing and we would advise that you get legal representation at this very early stage.
If I am unsuccessful at the council hearing and my taxi licence is still refused/revoked is there anything else I can do?
You have 21 days to appeal so you will have to act quickly and we would advise that you seek legal advice straight away. Note that there is court fee to pay of £200 to lodge your appeal with them.
Will I have to have my licence revoked until my appeal is heard?
- Issue an advisory letter
- Issue Informal warning
- Issue Formal warning
- Issue a Formal Caution
- Refer to the Licensing sub committee for consideration of revocation
- Refer to the legal dept for consideration of prosecution
We can influence their decision on which option to consider or whether to take any action at all at this stage by making representations to the Council.
- We can help you in completing the application and ensuring that you satisfy all the criteria before you submit it to the Council
- We can write representations in relation to any potential disciplinary action such as warnings/cautions/revocation
- We can represent you at both the Licensing sub committee hearing and any appeal to either the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court.
- We can help with any offences motoring or otherwise which may put your taxi in jeopardy if convicted
- We can also help if you are likely to face a totting up disqualification